all postcodes in L9 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L9 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L9 6AA 38 0 53.450633 -2.938531
L9 6AB 37 0 53.450365 -2.938314
L9 6AD 43 1 53.455662 -2.929907
L9 6AE 7 0 53.453787 -2.937531
L9 6AG 27 0 53.454799 -2.933337
L9 6AH 38 0 53.452728 -2.937297
L9 6AJ 25 0 53.45217 -2.93623
L9 6AL 19 0 53.453197 -2.937111
L9 6AN 22 4 53.451647 -2.937604
L9 6AP 10 2 53.451242 -2.936556
L9 6AQ 37 0 53.455285 -2.929823
L9 6AR 30 0 53.452679 -2.937763
L9 6AS 26 0 53.450071 -2.94028
L9 6AT 21 0 53.450298 -2.939909
L9 6AU 23 0 53.453484 -2.933714
L9 6AX 21 0 53.452405 -2.932394
L9 6AY 43 0 53.453078 -2.933931
L9 6AZ 36 0 53.452379 -2.931341
L9 6BA 27 0 53.45447 -2.932968
L9 6BB 14 0 53.454211 -2.932751